Frequently Asked Questions

What is Psychic Channelling?

Psychic channelling is the process of connecting with entities beyond the veil through a Psychic Medium and/or with the use of divination. This is most commonly preformed to contact a deceased loved one but contacting other entities have become increasingly more popular in modern culture.

What is an oracle reading?

Let’s start by describing the difference between Tarot and Oracle. Tarot and oracle readings are a form of divination used since ancient times to receive guidance and/or information that the person(s) receiving the reading may need. The difference between tarot and oracle is minor yet important. Standard tarot decks consist of 78 cards, minor and major arcana, created to express a detailed message. Oracle cards do not have any set standard and all possess different themes (ex. dream interpretation, plants, religion, colors, etc) which in return allows each deck to have it’s own unique messages.

Why are your prices different than other mediums?

Whilst pricing may remain competitive from psychic to psychic, we believe here at PsychicCIRCLE that prices vary from medium based off of experience, reliability, availability, and medium comfort. This allows the person receiving the session to connect with whom they feel comfortable with.

What is PsychicCIRCLE

As of now, PsychicCIRCLE is a concept, founded by Preston White with the intention of creating a platform that connects readers from around the world with clients who are seeking enlightenment and guidance from experienced individuals!